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VIDEO: Laurel Aitken - "Skinhead" [live]

The Shit Parade, Episode 18

September 4, 2010
Wherewolf Radio on SHOUTcast


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Divine Tragedy

Attempted interview with Krist of the band Divine Tragedy, originally conducted via MySpace for Artless Nonculture Webzine, August, 2009.

One sunny summer's day, I posted a bulletin online asking our very nice readers who they think I should interview. One suggestion was provided by Brokencyde enthusiast Edilberto in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Well, Berto, I took your advice, and got in touch with Krist, singer for Pittsburgh's Divine Tragedy. I says to him, I says, "Would you wanna do an interview with an online punk fanzine?"

"Sure, sounds cool."

Good, I thought to myself, now's my chance to make my readers proud!! I cleared my throat. "Ahem. Uh, this guy Edilberto suggested it. I gotta admit, I never heard of you until today. You've been around since '99?"

Alex W. Kellar (Basement Boys, Mad Minds, Boss)

Conducted via Facebook, over the course of 2½ days, while Alex was on the west coast with one of his many punk rock bands, August 4 - August 6, 2010.

How many bands are you in, anyway!?

There are 3 legitimately active bands right now: Mad Minds (bass), Boss (bass) and Basement Boys (vocals), so two hardcore bands and a punk band. I also play bass and sing in a black metal band called Dagmar which I'm 98.76% sure is broken up. I'm in the practice phase of another band playing bass, and that's all I can say about that. Oh yeah, there's also the acoustic Basement Boys side project (Basement Boi) where I play Basement Boys songs, 80s anime soundtrack songs and of course the LUMBERJAKK cover. I look like an asshole and people laugh, so I have fun.

Fullmoon Renegades

Interview with vocalist/guitarist Elliot Rosen. Conducted via Facebook, August 2, 2010.

Me: What's up man?

Elliot: Not much, workin'.


How's it goin?

Not bad. You have an office job or something?

I wish. I work at a restaurant, I'm sitting on my friend's laptop while there is downtime.

Oh okay. Don't suppose you'd have time for an interview?