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The Traditionals: "Steel Town Anthems"

A couple of days ago, I checked my "snail mail" mailbox, and stuffed right in there, like a well-packed sausage, was the latest Traditionals album, Steel Town Anthems!

But that's not even the exciting part. I mean, yes, it's a solid album, and marks the band's first release with guitarist Dave Harris on lead vocals, but what do I see when I open the included CD booklet?

That's right, among the many names (and band names) listed in the "thanks you" section is me and my old band, Dead City Dealers! Thanks, guys! It's truly an honor, and very much appreciated.

What's that you say, dear reader? You don't believe me? You think I "Photoshopped" that in there? Well, put your money where your mouth is, fuckero! You can order the CD right here. Oh, and just to entice you even further, here's a YouTube video of my favorite track, "Sold Us Down the River."


  1. A damn great album. Didnt think they could top the promosongs like "Sold us down the river" but they did. So far this is the best 2011 release in my oppinion.

  2. The damn thing's been on repeat for 2 days, B.
